At 1/11/2007 03:19:00 PM, Mike Clawson
Hey Joshua,
In my post on "The Converging Church" I mention post-liberalism as one of the streams feeding into the emerging church movement. It definitely has an influence and some similarities, though it's not the whole enchilada. For instance, I grew up as a conservative evangelical, so my entry into the emerging church has been more as a post-conservative, post-evangelical. I just don't have as much familiarity with liberalism or the post-liberal reaction. However, I've talked with those who do, and we often find that, without really intending to, postliberals and postconservatives wind up "meeting in the middle", which turns out to the be emerging church.
Hope that answers your question.
In response to your post "Owning Emergent":
So would you also consider yourself a post-liberal (like George Lindbeck and William Placher)?
While I haven't delved much into the emerging church movement, I believe it owes much to post-liberalism.
I'd enjoy your thoughts on it.