Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Videos from Haiti
I made a few short videos with my camera while in Haiti and I've posted them on YouTube. This first is of the kids at the orphanage singing us a welcome song:

This next is from the back of the pick-up truck driving through the narrow, crowded streets of Jeremie. You can see how insane it was with all the people and trucks and motos and livestock everywhere. The young man talking is Vilex, the son of the pastor in Marfranc that we worked with. We were giving him a ride to the school in Jeremie he attends. He is speaking Hatian Kreyol

This final video is also in the truck driving back from Marfranc along the Grand Anse River. You can see the river and the gorgeous scenery we drove through everyday while we were there.

I hope that gives you a better feel for the kinds of things I got to experience down there in Haiti. I already miss it!

BTW, this video is nothing at all like Haiti (whoever made it must have never been there), but it's pretty dang funny.

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posted by Mike Clawson at 3:42 PM | Permalink |