Apparently Enneagrams are getting popular again. I took a sample test online and, surprise, surprise, I came out as a Reformer
![Take the Enneagram Institute's Free Enneagram Test Enneagram](
free enneagram test...with an
Achiever wing:
...and an
Investigator wing:
You can take the test
I'd be interested to know what some of you are.
posted by Mike Clawson at 11:28 AM |
Permalink |
At 3/29/2005 09:12:00 AM, Erin Marshalek
I scored highest on Helper and Peacemaker (with scores of 6), but came in close behind with Reformer, Investigator, and Loyalist (I scored 5 on each of those).
I love those personality tests!
At 4/05/2005 08:07:00 AM,
I was a type 6 - a loyalist, actually with a score of 7...., with an enthusiast wing which makes me "the Buddy" hmmmmmm
When I tried it again I was still a loyalist, but instead of an enthusiast, I scored high on peacemaker. Probably a slightly more accurate assessment! Fun :)
John's a 1, too. :) I like to say I'm a 5w4-ish 9w1.