I finally have a part-time job! I'll be starting this Thursday at the Caribou Coffee near the Fox Valley Mall in Aurora. I'm starting as a regular barista but soon I'll be moving up to shift manager. It doesn't pay much ($7.50/hr to start with), but it should be a pretty fun job. If you're in the area you'll have to stop by and see me sometime.
The other benefit of working at a coffee shop is that we'd like to possibly open a coffee shop in Yorkville as one of the ministries of our new church, to provide a community gathering space and a place to build relationships. I envision a shop that would help give some character and identity to a town like Yorkville, and that could also host live music from local musicians, display local art, have room for community theater performances, and be a natural gathering place for bible studies, small groups, and book discussions. So by working at Caribou I can get some experience making coffee and seeing how a coffee shop is run.
posted by Mike Clawson at 10:43 AM |
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At 8/01/2005 01:26:00 PM, Erin Marshalek
That is so cool, Mike! Congratulations on your new job! I definitely appreciate Caribou a lot. The workers and atmosphere that I've come across in my experience of Caribou has been great. They'll be lucky to have you.
At 8/03/2005 07:32:00 PM,
I'm a hostess part time and i make between $10-15 per hour... All i do is open a door or seat guests... hehe, just wanted to rub it in :) Love ya!! ~Jilly
That is so cool, Mike! Congratulations on your new job! I definitely appreciate Caribou a lot. The workers and atmosphere that I've come across in my experience of Caribou has been great. They'll be lucky to have you.