Saturday, August 27, 2005
Profound and Funny Thoughts for Progressives
Here are a few more posters and bumper stickers from my
Northern Sun catalog that I really liked:

posted by Mike Clawson at 5:56 PM |
Permalink |

At 8/27/2005 06:43:00 PM, Monaca
hey mike-
love the post! do you mind emailing the pics from yesterday? I want to put them on my blog.
it was great to hang out with you.
At 8/27/2005 10:24:00 PM, Mike Clawson
Hey Monaca,
I'd be happy to send you the pics but it may take me a day or two since I have to get them off my camera and that takes some time.
hey mike-
love the post! do you mind emailing the pics from yesterday? I want to put them on my blog.
it was great to hang out with you.