Sunday, October 23, 2005
Weddings in Austin
As you can tell, the pictures below are of Julie's brother's wedding that we attended about three weeks ago. Alan and Xiomara are a great couple and had an incredibly fun wedding.

We all, and especially Emma, enjoyed the reception which was filled with good food and lots of dancing. Emma also loved being the center of attention for most of the weekend with so many relatives around to hold her and play with her.

We were also blessed to meet Chris and Ali Glass, the youth pastor and his wife from Julie's parent's church and the officiant at the wedding.

During a great conversation at the rehearsal dinner I discovered that we share many of the same convictions regarding the emerging church and the theology of the kingdom of God. We also found that the Glass' seem to be facing a very similar kind of situation in their current church that we went through at Evangel last year.

It was a great trip and we were thankful for meeting new and old friends there too.
posted by Mike Clawson at 10:31 PM | Permalink |


At 10/24/2005 01:55:00 AM, Blogger gerbmom

Wow Mike, I'll certainly be praying for them......