Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Just Food
Julie posted links to a couple of movies on her blog regarding the corporate food industry and all the health and environmental dangers factory farms and non-organic practices pose to us and our world. These short little cartoon movies are hilarious and subversive. They use humor to help us pay attention to issues that many of us are too often tempted to simply ignore.

I know some will want to label these kinds of concerns as merely "liberal" or "hippie" or "tree-hugger" and thereby dismiss them. But I would submit that these issues are actually Christian issues of compassion, justice, and stewardship of Creation. Is it "liberal" to believe that the workers who grow our food should earn enough money to feed their own families, or is it simply the kind of compassion Christ commands of us? Is it "hippie" to not want to poison our children with pesticides, or is it merely common sense? Is it being a "tree hugger" to think that our food industry should not be allowed to destroy the environment and mistreat animals in the name of increasing profits, or is it simply taking seriously the idea that this world is indeed God's Creation and we are commanded to steward and care for it?

Check out these movies for a good laugh and to make yourself more aware of these vitally important issues:

The Meatrix

The Meatrix II: Revolting

Store Wars


posted by Mike Clawson at 4:08 PM | Permalink |