Saturday, March 31, 2007
Theocapitalist Empire
Brian McLaren was in town this past week speaking at Northern Seminary. I didn't get to hear him though; 1) because I didn't have the time, and 2) because lectures at Northern always tend to be just a little too pricey.

Anyhow, up/rooted.north also gathered the evening after McLaren's lectures to discuss his topics, and there is a great summary over at the up/rooted blog. Apparently Brian talked about the church in relation to political and economic structures over the past 1500 years or so, and described how we now live in the era of neither church nor state dominance, but how both exist within the realm of the Theocapitalist Empire - i.e. the systems and sub-systems of global capitalism.

Very intriguing topic and one that I wish I could have heard more about first hand. Anyway, the summary over at the blog is worth checking out.

Also, for more on theocapitalism, check out this article by Tom Beaudoin.
posted by Mike Clawson at 12:08 AM | Permalink |