Fred offered a few reflections on Palm Sunday and about how sometimes you just need to worship. He encouraged us to have the uninhibited abandon of the revelers on their way to Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday. And it was a good message for me. I came into the service with all my worries and busy-ness, but I was able to put that aside and just enter into worship. The Lectio Divina time was helpful towards that end - they showed an 11-minute video that read through the "Do not worry" passage from Matthew and invited us through image, song and words to just sit and reflect and let go of our concerns.
However, the main attraction was a performance by Aradhna, a band that "captures the beauty and intimacy of India's Bhajan's with music that blends East and West." (Bhajans are devotional songs composed by devotees of Christ known as Yeshu Bhaktas.) The music was just amazing and beautiful and... I really don't have the words to describe it. It took me to another place. Let me put it this way - it reminded me of why I believe there is something deeper to reality, why I don't have trouble believing in the existence of a God who lies behind all creation and put a spark of him/herself into all our experiences. The music wasn't just beautiful and worshipful, it was significant - heavy with meaning and connection. I can't describe it any better than that.
At 4/06/2007 09:43:00 AM, Mike Clawson
Hey Nick,
I started by watching the Exodus Decoded tv program (which is about 50/50 for good scholarship vs. less tenable speculation). Then I followed up by Googling or using Wikipedia to read more about the various evidences listed in that documentary. Often pursuing one stream would lead me to more links with more details - but it was all online. Just follow some of the links in my post and some of the links in the Wikipedia articles and you'll find plenty of resources. My post was pretty much an amalgamation of a lot of different sources, it didn't come from just one.
Aradhna!!! You saw them!!! They performed lived at the Urbana 06 Missions Conference. It was great. I'm glad you had a chance to see them perform.
~Nick Price
PS In your post a while back on the history behind Exodus, what sources did you use? It was an awesome post and I would like to do some more reading. Thanks:)