So we closed on our new house in Yorkville today! It's officially ours. It seems unreal that we actually own a real home now. It's a wonderful place. Emma loves it too. We put her on the floor in the big empty living room as we were getting the place ready to paint and she was just going nuts laughing and rolling and chattering at the fan.

We still have a lot of work to do though. Tomorrow our friends Karen and Karen are coming out to Yorkville with us to paint the master bedroom, Emma's room and the kitchen. We've got to get all that done this week, 'cuz next Saturday is Moving Day. Come out and help us move if you're in the area and have the time. It'll be fun! :)
posted by Mike Clawson at 9:28 PM |
Permalink |

At 9/11/2005 09:50:00 PM,
Hey Mike, sorry I didn't respond to your email about moving. I found out that I'm free, at least for a while in the morning and early afternoon, so I'd love to help. Just let me know when and where!
At 9/13/2005 09:02:00 PM, Mike Clawson
Hey Pippy,
Can you make it to our condo in Warrenville at 10am on Saturday? We'll load up there and then drive out to Yorkville to unload.
See ya then!
At 9/18/2005 02:13:00 PM, Nicole
I just found your blog, and it's really neat. I live in Carol Stream, so Warrenville is just a hop and a skip away. :) Drive through all the time. The books you recommend, music, and movies is like you're a clone of my husband, that's freaking hilarious. I'll stop by again sometime.
Hey Mike, sorry I didn't respond to your email about moving. I found out that I'm free, at least for a while in the morning and early afternoon, so I'd love to help. Just let me know when and where!