Last weekend we had both sets of Emma's grandparents and her Aunt Julie in town for her dedication at church. It was great having everyone here, and Emma loved all the attention. We also really appreciated all the projects that everyone pitched in to get accomplished around the house. My family helped with a ton of yardwork and also got us a nice new buffet set from IKEA as an early Christmas present. And the really big project for the weekend was the new pantry closet that Julie's dad helped us build off of our kitchen. Just check out the pictures.

My family at Emma's dedication service.

Emma helps in the kitchen.

Our brand new buffet cabinet!

Julie's dad did most of the work, though we all helped some.

See, I can prove that I helped! :)

Even Emma got in on the action.

The finished product, a nice new pantry!
Nice! And I love the buffet too. Glad you guys has a good time with the parents! (And Julie.)
Hopefully I'll see you guys tonight.