"Hey Mike, just wanted to let you know that we've been talking and we decided that we do want to do the church plant with you, so... yeah. Just wanted to let you know... Give us a call if you want to hang out some time."
This seemingly casual message was actually a really huge encouragement for me. The friends in question are old friends, from all the way back in our Wheaton days, and are people who have been intimately involved in ministry with us for many years. Though we have had several others already tell us they are interested in being involved, to have these friends sign on was different. It was just such an encouragement to know that we'd get to embark on this adventure with people we've known as friends and served alongside already, whose hearts we trust, and who we think are fantastic co-workers in the kingdom.
We've always known that we can't do this church plant alone. We need people who have the same vision for a new kind of church, the same passion to change the world, the same love for Jesus. With each set of friends (new or old) that sign on for this, we feel that much more re-affirmed in the calling God has laid on us.
To God be the Glory!

At 12/06/2005 11:45:00 PM, Mike Clawson
Thanks for the tip DP. However, the article said they're looking for doctrinally conservative church planters, and I doubt that I'd qualify, especially if their theological standard is John Piper and Mark Driscoll.
Besides the fact that they are affiliated with the Baptist General Conference, which just happens to be the denomination I was most recently kicked out of. Somehow I doubt that they'd want to be giving the likes of me any of their 300 million dollars. :)
That's awesome, Mike! I'm praying for you guys, and know God is at work.