Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Subscribe to Generate Magazine!
It's time to subscribe to GENERATE, the new magazine by friends of Emergent Village. It's gonna be great. Here is a brief description:
GENERATE exists as a forum to retell the stories of the grassroots communities and individuals who are finding emerging and alternative means to follow God in the Way of Jesus. We hope to create an artifact of this historical conversation. These stories will be transmitted through narrative, works of visual art, documented performances, verse, fiction, non-fiction, essays, and interviews.

We/you are the conversation; our art, our lives, our hopes and failures all meet up with God’s approaching dreams for creation. We converse and in doing so spread the news that we are not alone — that joy is found in our generative friendship. GENERATE seeks to communicate the hope we find in Kingdom living, the hope we have in living the Way, the hope that is present in the highest highs and the lowest lows of daily life.

Click here to subscribe!

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posted by Mike Clawson at 11:12 AM | Permalink |