Apparently Christmas is too unpatriotic for some people. How can we celebrate a Prince of Peace when our nation is busy fighting unprovoked wars? My goodness, where are our priorities... Jesus may have said "love your enemies", but that's just going to have to wait until we've finished
Okay, sorry for the sarcasm. I just find it really interesting that Jesus' words in Luke 12:51 keep being proved true: "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."
But the angels told us that Jesus did come to bring peace on earth, and Jesus himself often did preach a message of peace, so what can he mean by saying he came to bring division? I think this news story illustrates exactly what he means. Peace itself is a divisive message. Whenever people start preaching peace and seeking to be peacemakers, there will be others who will feel threatened by that and seek to oppose it. Those who speak up for peace will quite often be fined, jailed, watched by the authorities, shunned by neighbors, or even killed. "Love your enemies" is still a subversive message, even after all these centuries.
At 12/13/2006 11:08:00 PM, Mike Clawson
That's an urban legend. According to Wikipedia, the Peace Symbol was created in 1958 by Gerald Holtom in England as a badge for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The sign is composed of the semaphore symbols for "N" and "D", and stands for "Nuclear Disarmament". The symbol has nothing to do with New Age or "peace without Christ", or any other similar nonsense.
The problem with the symbol is that it is a cross upside down inside a circle with the transversal beam broken downwards. This symbol means PEACE WITHOUT CHRIST. It's part of the New Age symbols. This is the reason why some people are offended at it, during Christmas.