Thursday, August 21, 2008
Crazy Week
This past week in Austin has been crazy. We spent the first two days here looking at tons of houses, decided on one and made an offer. Since the sellers weren't occupying it anymore we were able to get a closing date of this coming Monday, so as of next week we'll actually have a house here in Austin!

I've also been driving all over the greater Austin area this past week delivering my wedding pastor business cards to all the local wedding venues. I'm hoping to do tons of weddings while I'm in school to help supplement our income.

After we close this Monday then we'll just have to paint the interior of the whole house, move in all our stuff, re-assemble our furniture and buy a few new appliances, and then unpack, and then, hopefully, we'll start to feel a little settled. Fortunately we can still stay with Julie's parents until we get all that worked out.

Anyhow, here's a few pictures of the house. I won't post anymore details about it until all the papers are signed so as not to jinx anything.


posted by Mike Clawson at 11:02 PM | Permalink |


At 8/22/2008 09:20:00 AM, Blogger M James

Very nice!
When you need to pack up and move anything back in, you know who to call! :)


At 8/22/2008 04:58:00 PM, Blogger J.Helen Shaw

This looks great! So excited for you guys!