Thursday, April 22, 2010
FREE Kindle Download of Julie's Book!
Earth Day is turning 40 and what better way to celebrate our commitment to sustainable living than with our everyday actions. Finding doable ways each of can commit to loving God by caring for creation is a significant part of what it means to pursue everyday justice. So in honor Earth Day, Amazon is offering a free download of the Kindle edition of Julie's book, Everyday Justice.

That’s right – a free digital copy of Everyday Justice!

From midnight to midnight on Thursday April 22 (Earth Day) downloading Everyday Justice from Amazon will cost you nada. So there’s no excuse to not find out simple everyday ways that you can care for our world and the people who inhabit it. And I know, not everyone has a Kindle. It doesn’t matter, there are Kindle apps available for Macs, and PCs, and iPhones, and BlackBerry’s, and iPads. If you are reading this blog, you most likely own at least one of those. Remember – this is only a 24 hour deal, so seize the opportunity while it’s hot.

So celebrate Earth Day and download your free Kindle copy of Everyday Justice.


posted by Mike Clawson at 10:18 AM | Permalink |


At 4/22/2010 11:56:00 AM, Anonymous Rachel H. Evans

I've tweeted this!

And I know this is totally girly, but I kinda love the bow.


At 4/22/2010 07:52:00 PM, Blogger Drew Costen

It ended up costing me $2. Is that because I'm in Canada?


At 4/22/2010 09:35:00 PM, Blogger Mike Clawson

I don't know Drew. That's kind of weird.


At 4/22/2010 09:37:00 PM, Blogger Drew Costen

Oh well. I don't mind paying it, it was just strange.