But for all those on both sides of the debate that want to make this whole "Happy Holidays" thing into a big political issue I have this to say: If you think that saying "Merry Christmas" is offensive to non-Christians you need to get a clue and lighten up. And if you're a Christian who is offended by someone saying "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas" you might want to go to the doctor for a rectal exam to see if you can get that ten foot pole removed. Aren't there far more important things to be thinking about as followers of Christ this time of year than worrying about whether everyone, Christian or not, is paying sufficient respect to our holiday?
Have a _________ ___________ everyone!

At 12/14/2005 09:09:00 PM, gerbmom
Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. I have used them all interchangeably for years with no apology. And really without thinking anything about it. Huh. What's the big fight over anyway? I do get slightly annoyed that in the schools Christmas break is now Winter break and the Christmas Concert is a Holiday concert, Good Friday is a non attendance day, etc. Just because somebody felt like challenging the terminology. Actually the whole thing makes me a bit weary.....
Joyeux Noël, Mike! :)
were allowed to say it at target if we choose, so pretty much were better than wal mart and all wal marts can now burn... jk. mike i like ur blog it has actually interesting things on it!